About Us

Strachan Literary Agency specializes in representing literary fiction and narrative nonfiction: compelling stories, well told.

The agency was established in 1998 by literary agent and principal Laura Strachan who was looking for a way to combine her lifetime love of books and good writing with her legal background.

Strachan Literary Agency is located in historic Annapolis, Maryland, an easy train ride to mid-town Manhattan.


(A note on how to pronouce Strachan: there are many pronunciations of the name around the world. We use STRAWN).


UPDATE 01/03/25 Both Laura Strachan and Marisa Zeppieri are currently closed to submissions until we catch up with a backlog. Personal and family issues have caused us to be even more behind than we had hoped or expected, but we will post a notification when we have had a chance to catch up and can in good conscience begin to accept new submissions.